MV Convent School & College, Kaundhiyara, Prayagraj     
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Student Safety Measures

Points for the parents to Ponder

  • Learn the school's emergency procedures. Emergency plans and phone numbers are usually included in school handbooks and posted in classrooms. Taking a few extra minutes to familiarize the child with emergency information can give him the confidence he needs to act quickly in emergency situations.
  • Know travel routes to and from the school. Make sure the child know both primary and alternate routes. In an emergency, roads can be blocked and it's important to have a backup plan.
  • Know and follow school security and safety measures. These might include signing in when visiting the school, being escorted when walking through the building, or wearing a visitor pass. Following these procedures strictly will ensure safety of the child.
  • Talk with the child about safety. Be specific. Talk about instinct and paying attention to funny feelings of fear. Explain what to do if he/she doesn't feel safe (find a teacher, call 911, etc.). Make sure he/she knows how to contact you or a trusted neighbour who is likely to be at home.
  • Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns. Whether the child has a food allergy, a physical disability, or has been subjected to bullying, make sure to keep the child's teachers and principal in the loop
  • Get involved. Talk with the principal about what you can do to increase school safety, such as organizing parents to form a neighbourhood watch before and after school. Sometimes parent groups are highly successful in making improvements in traffic safety during drop off and pick up times.

Points for schools to consider

  1. Inspecting School Routes: Most of the mishaps occur when students commute to schools. It is due to the negligence in safety of school routes. Many footpaths are in adverse conditions that forces students to take roads to walk and get themselves in trouble. Lack of speed breakers and proper signboards, etc., are a couple of key factors adding to these mishaps. A route safety audit can be conducted regularly by the local government and school management to mark out the obstacles and difficulties faced by the children.
  2. Inspecting School Infrastructure: Another significant concern is the school infrastructure. Numerous students have faced fatal accidents because of weak foundation at the schools. We should hold on to start the development or maintenance of rooftops until it breakdown and create problems. Additionally, the arrangement for safe drinking water and sanitation is essential for students and not an enhancement. School authorities need to be keen about analyzing the school infrastructure and facilities to make a superior and safe learning environment.
  3. Inspecting School Environment: Deep analysis of school ambiance is essential. Sometimes a stray animal may attack students or tree branch may fall off when they are playing outside. It may result in some severe casualties. School authorities should make sure that the environment is safe and secure for students. There must be some volunteers ready to rescue in case of any trouble.
  4. Inspecting School Bus: One of the most crucial times is when students travel to and from school on a bus. School authorities should do a regular audit of inside and out of the buses. They must check if the tyres are in proper condition and the brakes are working fine. Along with it, they should also check the engine’s working condition and coolant level, so that it reduces the risk of catching fire.
  5. Awareness of Road Safety: Carelessness in passing on necessary road safety education to students can put their life at risk. It is the responsibility of school authorities to make students aware of the traffic safety rules since they are at the primary level.
  6. Displaying Emergency Numbers: There should be emergency numbers evident on the school buses so that other travellers could see it in case any mishap occurs. The contact numbers include local police station, ambulance service, PTA authority, school principal, etc. Also, for more safety, identity cards of the students should have the emergency contact of their parents/guardians.
  7. First Aid and School Clinic Service: It will be a significant step if schools equip emergency clinics inside the premises. Also, the authorities should keep first aid kits with all the necessary ointments and medicines ready. Injuries can happen at any time, and delay in proper aid can result in some severe after-effect.
  8. Deploying Security: Another best approach to increase the safety of the students is having security personnel deployed in the school premises. It will ensure the safety of children while they are crossing roads and will inspire them to follow the proper traffic rules.
  9. Check for Unattended Safety Issues: The parents and the school authorities may not be aware most of the time, but there are times when children are abused, bullied, and discriminated in the school premises. Small children often don’t share the incidents with anyone. It’s the responsibility of school authorities to take the necessary steps to ensure that no one misbehaves with the students. Additionally, teachers must make them aware of the difference between a right touch and a bad touch, so that they know when and to whom, report the actions.
  10. School Safety Committee: It’s always a best practice to constitute a safety committee in the school to confirm the safety of all the students. The leading members of the committee should include the Principal, parent-teacher association, student and staff representatives, and ward members.

We at MV Convent School & College follow all the safety measures and protocols that ensure highest level of security for our students and for this we make sure that the student gets the safe and secure environment within the school campus and while commuting between the school and their place through school vehicle.

The School administration, staff, teachers as well as students are well aware and are ready to respond to any natural or man-made catastrophes. Safety measures like fire evacuation drill, evacuation plan, awareness of fire exits and emergency assembly signs, first aiders helps the child to take the first step towards safety precautions. Constant checks are undertaken to ensure all the above safety aspects.